Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Nitroglycerin
Drug ID BADD_D01579
Description Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator drug used for the treatment of chest pain and high blood pressure.[T628,L4429] It was first approved in 2000 and is currently marketed by Pfizer, and other companies, depending on the dosage form.[T628,L4894] Nitroglycerin is available in various forms, including a spray form, sublingual tablet form, intravenous form, extended-release tablet form, and transdermal form. A less commonly known fact is that in addition to treating angina, nitroglycerin is also used in an ointment to treat the pain that accompanies anal fissures. The rectal ointment form of nitroglycerin was approved by the FDA in 1955.[L7096]
Indications and Usage Nitroglycerin is indicated for various purposes.[L4894] It is indicated to prevent and treat angina or chest pain due to cardiovascular disease, as well as to treat peri-operative hypertension or induce intra-operative hypotension.[L4429,L7099] It is also indicated to treat acute heart failure in patients with myocardial infarction.[L7099] In the ointment form, nitroglycerin is indicated to treat pain caused by anal fissures.[L7096] The transdermal form is applied directly to the skin to prevent acute anginal attacks.[L7141] The intravenous form is used off-label in emergency settings and is commonly used to treat acute coronary spasm caused by cocaine, hypertensive emergencies, as well as acute congestive heart failure exacerbations.[T628] Some other off-label uses of nitroglycerin include management of variceal hemorrhage[A180280], management of esophageal spasticity[A180283], and induction of uterine relaxation.[A180277]
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code C05AE01; C01DA02
DrugBank ID DB00727
KEGG ID D00515
MeSH ID D005996
PubChem ID 4510
NDC Product Code 47781-457; 47781-458; 50742-513; 59762-3304; 63629-8830; 0378-9104; 0378-9116; 68428-407; 70710-1019; 70771-1718; 70771-1719; 43598-895; 45802-210; 49483-221; 50090-4874; 52584-418; 0338-1047; 68428-100; 71205-482; 71872-7010; 28595-120; 51662-1351; 51662-1386; 0404-9928; 68071-2260; 68071-2941; 68462-640; 70518-0545; 59762-0489; 0338-1051; 63629-8829; 68428-050; 70710-1018; 72888-138; 43598-435; 43598-436; 47781-456; 49483-223; 50742-518; 51662-1244; 52584-810; 60429-839; 0404-9929; 69339-173; 71872-7201; 72888-139; 43598-893; 50090-0332; 0220-2291; 50742-516; 60429-840; 60429-841; 68462-638; 72888-140; 0071-0417; 0071-0418; 43598-896; 58914-301; 63187-884; 0378-9112; 70771-1717; 71205-225; 0071-0419; 50090-3266; 50742-514; 50742-515; 0338-1049; 63629-8828; 69339-174; 70710-1020; 71872-7300; 0220-2283; 51662-1282; 51662-1340; 64117-543; 68462-639; 69339-175; 0517-4810; 28595-550; 43598-437; 43598-894; 49483-222; 50742-517; 0378-9102; 71872-7033; 0281-0326; 59762-4921
Synonyms Nitroglycerin | Glyceryl Trinitrate | Trinitrate, Glyceryl | Nitrolan | Nitrospan | Nitrostat | Perlinganit | Nitrong | Susadrin | Sustac | Sustak | Sustonit | Transderm Nitro | Nitroglyn | Trinitrin | Trinitrolong | Anginine | Dynamite | Gilustenon | Nitrangin | Nitro-Bid | Nitro Bid | NitroBid | Nitro-Dur | Nitro Dur | NitroDur | Nitrocard | Nitroderm | Nitroderm TTS | Nitrol | Tridil
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C3H5N3O9
CAS Registry Number 55-63-0
SMILES C(C(CO[N+](=O)[O-])O[N+](=O)[O-])O[N+](=O)[O-]
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice.
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Cardiopulmonary failure02.05.01.004;
Acute coronary syndrome02.02.02.015;
Necrotising colitis07.08.01.013---
Lymphatic disorder01.09.01.003---
Drug tolerance08.06.01.003---
Skin swelling23.03.03.039---
Clonic convulsion17.12.03.008---
Application site swelling08.02.01.027;
Skin burning sensation17.02.06.009;
Hypoaesthesia oral07.05.05.003;
Paraesthesia oral07.05.05.035;
Lung neoplasm malignant16.19.02.001;
Vasodilation procedure25.03.01.001---
Hot flush08.01.03.027;;
Adverse event08.06.01.010---
Cardiac disorder02.11.01.003---
Limb discomfort15.03.04.0140.000065%-
Mediastinal disorder22.09.03.001---
Mental disorder19.07.01.002---
Blood disorder01.05.01.004---
Drug intolerance08.06.01.0130.000581%-
Poor quality sleep17.15.04.002;
Application site burn08.02.01.038;;
Acute kidney injury20.01.03.016--
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome17.13.02.0070.000065%
Burning sensation mucosal08.01.06.020;
Ventricular asystole02.03.04.0180.000065%-
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