Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Lidocaine hydrochloride
Drug ID BADD_D01288
Description Ever since its discovery and availability for sale and use in the late 1940s, lidocaine has become an exceptionally commonly used medication [T583]. In particular, lidocaine's principal mode of action in acting as a local anesthetic that numbs the sensations of tissues means the agent is indicated for facilitating local anesthesia for a large variety of surgical procedures [F4349, L5930, L5948]. It ultimately elicits its numbing activity by blocking sodium channels so that the neurons of local tissues that have the medication applied on are transiently incapable of signaling the brain regarding sensations [F4349, L5930, L5948]. In doing so, however, it can block or decrease muscle contractile, resulting in effects like vasodilation, hypotension, and irregular heart rate, among others [F4349, L5930, L5948]. As a result, lidocaine is also considered a class Ib anti-arrhythmic agent [L5930, L5948, F4468]. Nevertheless, lidocaine's local anesthetic action sees its use in many medical situations or circumstances that may benefit from its action, including the treatment of premature ejaculation [A177625]. Regardless, lidocaine is currently available as a relatively non-expensive generic medication that is written for in millions of prescriptions internationally on a yearly basis. It is even included in the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines [L6055].
Indications and Usage Lidocaine is an anesthetic of the amide group indicated for production of local or regional anesthesia by infiltration techniques such as percutaneous injection and intravenous regional anesthesia by peripheral nerve block techniques such as brachial plexus and intercostal and by central neural techniques such as lumbar and caudal epidural blocks [F4349, L5930].
Marketing Status approved; vet_approved
ATC Code S02DA01; R02AD02; D04AB01; N01BB02; S01HA07; C01BB01; C05AD01
DrugBank ID DB00281
KEGG ID D02086
MeSH ID D008012
PubChem ID 6314
NDC Product Code 73293-0003; 76329-3390; 76420-079; 83090-007; 0924-0934; 0924-5750; 10202-950; 66064-1013; 76420-158; 79572-021; 41167-0581; 0143-9595; 50090-6186; 54723-300; 54723-998; 55150-160; 55154-9631; 0338-0409; 59898-200; 63323-491; 63323-495; 0363-7790; 64679-465; 0404-9889; 0404-9894; 68055-646; 68229-201; 69103-5100; 69367-202; 71130-773; 71131-052; 71872-7158; 71872-7301; 72361-332; 76329-3012; 76420-190; 81034-103; 81923-368; 83090-004; 83090-005; 83163-386; 83324-006; 0924-5010; 55579-939; 25021-673; 36800-529; 0121-0903; 41167-0586; 41250-518; 0143-9579; 50383-363; 51662-1552; 52584-030; 55150-253; 55150-255; 58443-0123; 62217-095; 63323-484; 65219-810; 67777-129; 68055-645; 68055-647; 68229-403; 69233-122; 70000-0537; 70529-941; 70954-518; 71101-933; 71131-050; 71131-774; 71872-7095; 71872-7125; 71872-7144; 71872-7233; 76420-078; 81923-197; 62991-1095; 11673-989; 16714-097; 31722-116; 41167-0582; 41167-1711; 41250-351; 0143-9577; 50090-0258; 50102-400; 50383-775; 0264-9376; 55150-158; 55150-251; 55154-5789; 0338-0411; 61010-5100; 62135-712; 0363-0978; 63323-201; 63323-492; 63323-496; 63739-997; 68071-3449; 0409-4283; 0527-6002; 70529-441; 71205-973; 71872-7137; 71872-7161; 72429-0001; 72572-372; 55150-163; 58443-0529; 59088-594; 61010-5000; 0363-2020; 65121-100; 65219-812; 67234-037; 0404-9899; 68055-649; 0409-4282; 0409-9137; 69614-370; 70529-002; 70529-124; 71101-930; 71872-7126; 72888-125; 73698-281; 76329-3013; 81923-364; 81923-366; 82942-1001; 49452-4051; 51552-0106; 51927-0222; 49873-618; 55150-256; 55154-9626; 59088-371; 59898-160; 61477-101; 63323-202; 63323-486; 63323-487; 63739-170; 63742-030; 63742-031; 0409-4278; 69233-843; 70372-723; 70756-642; 71872-7064; 72429-0002; 76329-3011; 76420-715; 80045-400; 80425-0268; 81646-143; 82067-100; 10135-736; 76420-157; 76420-971; 13925-159; 17478-711; 17478-792; 35781-0301; 0143-9576; 0143-9578; 52584-095; 52584-485; 52584-903; 55621-010; 58443-0606; 59088-429; 59088-483; 59898-180; 63323-485; 0409-4277; 68788-7999; 70372-722; 70518-3507; 70529-254; 0054-3505; 71872-7160; 73382-185; 73408-225; 76420-080; 82630-002; 86089-200; 51927-0212; 52119-009; 76420-970; 11523-0430; 11822-4215; 31722-117; 31722-118; 41167-0505; 47682-225; 47682-308; 47682-477; 55150-159; 55150-161; 55150-254; 59898-140; 59898-201; 60432-465; 62217-200; 0363-0954; 63323-493; 65219-814; 68071-2539; 0409-1323; 68229-600; 0409-2066; 0409-4275; 0409-4713; 70082-500; 70529-001; 70756-641; 71131-051; 71351-021; 72572-370; 73293-0001; 73698-106; 76329-6300; 76420-351; 83090-002; 83090-006; 38779-0082; 49452-4050; 76420-960; 17856-6002; 36800-470; 36800-953; 47124-129; 53675-173; 55150-164; 55150-252; 59898-500; 0363-0290; 63629-2096; 64479-203; 0404-9885; 0404-9892; 68055-641; 68055-642; 0409-4903; 0498-0221; 69822-430; 70000-0534; 0527-6004; 70518-3725; 71872-7254; 73313-075; 80324-078; 81155-104; 81923-198; 12651-113; 52932-0701; 68754-202; 76420-961; 20276-110; 24330-240; 0121-0972; 50090-5667; 51662-1551; 52584-034; 53675-164; 55150-165; 55154-8337; 59898-170; 59898-510; 65197-815; 0404-9897; 0404-9900; 0404-9973; 68055-643; 0409-4276; 68788-8179; 70529-442; 70756-640; 71101-932; 71872-7156; 71872-7184; 72188-188; 76329-3015; 76420-084; 82317-001; 83090-001; 61281-2000; 41167-0597; 0143-9594; 50066-056; 50066-411; 50090-0255; 50382-020; 52584-278; 53002-3430; 54723-175; 55154-3189; 63323-208; 63629-2095; 66902-057; 0404-9898; 0409-4279; 0409-4776; 0409-4904; 70756-643; 0054-3500; 71131-797; 71872-7190; 71872-7256; 72859-890; 76420-540; 79481-0019; 80438-081; 81923-199; 83090-003; 22568-1082; 52119-002; 41167-0529; 41167-0590; 0143-9575; 43473-048; 52584-035; 53002-3431; 55150-162
UNII V13007Z41A
Synonyms Lidocaine | 2-(Diethylamino)-N-(2,6-Dimethylphenyl)Acetamide | 2-2EtN-2MePhAcN | Lignocaine | Lidocaine Carbonate (2:1) | Lidocaine Carbonate | Lidocaine Hydrocarbonate | Lidocaine Hydrochloride | Lidocaine Monohydrochloride | Lidocaine Monoacetate | Xyloneural | Lidocaine Sulfate (1:1) | Octocaine | Xylesthesin | Xylocaine | Xylocitin | Dalcaine | Lidocaine Monohydrochloride, Monohydrate
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C14H23ClN2O
CAS Registry Number 73-78-9
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice.
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
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