Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Miconazole nitrate
Drug ID BADD_D01458
Description Miconazole is a broad-spectrum azole antifungal with some activity against Gram-positive bacteria as well.[A203636] It is widely used to treat mucosal yeast infections, including both oral and vaginal infections; although intravenous miconazole is no longer available, a wide variety of suppositories, creams, gels, and tablet-based products are available.[L14021, L14024, L14027, L14033, L14396] Miconazole is thought to act primarily through the inhibition of fungal CYP450 14α-lanosterol demethylase activity.[A203636, A203639] Miconazole was first synthesized in 1969 and first granted FDA approval on January 8, 1974, for sale by INSIGHT Pharmaceuticals as a topical cream.[A214523, L14021] It is currently available as a variety of prescription and over the counter products. Despite having been in clinical use for an extended period, resistance to miconazole among susceptible organisms is relatively low.[A203636]
Indications and Usage Miconazole is indicated for the local treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis in adult patients and for the adjunctive treatment of diaper dermatitis complicated by candidiasis in immunocompetent patients aged four weeks and older.[L14021, L14024] Miconazole is available as both a suppository and cream for the treatment of vaginal yeast infections and the relief of associated vulvar itching and irritation.[L14027] Lastly, miconazole cream is effective in treating athlete's foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris), ringworm infections (tinea corporis),[L14033] pityriasis (formerly tinea) versicolor,[A203633] and cutaneous candidiasis.[A203630]
Marketing Status approved; investigational; vet_approved
ATC Code A07AC01; J02AB01; G01AF04; A01AB09; S02AA13; D01AC02
DrugBank ID DB01110
KEGG ID D00882
MeSH ID D008825
PubChem ID 68553
NDC Product Code 11014-0045; 11673-737; 11822-0730; 23667-808; 36800-070; 36800-782; 41520-154; 49781-064; 55315-737; 55315-815; 56104-253; 0363-0637; 63736-532; 68016-731; 68071-2978; 70000-0009; 70000-0025; 72288-070; 0884-0293; 17337-0530; 49452-4775; 11523-4140; 11673-982; 12258-241; 21130-121; 24909-202; 0113-0081; 29784-145; 41163-081; 49348-355; 49348-689; 50268-503; 51824-078; 52000-021; 59088-478; 61269-736; 0363-0737; 63187-885; 72189-345; 79503-106; 83099-000; 11014-0343; 11523-1272; 11673-391; 21130-102; 21130-341; 21130-982; 23667-812; 30142-199; 36800-081; 37205-589; 37808-199; 51672-2001; 55910-698; 0316-0225; 61269-730; 61269-735; 63347-503; 63736-026; 68016-070; 69256-081; 71358-077; 55301-916; 59088-244; 59088-442; 0363-0081; 0363-9089; 63736-017; 68599-0206; 68788-7917; 69070-304; 69740-328; 72288-199; 72654-001; 0904-5415; 12578-488; 60524-001; 62991-1104; 11822-0199; 16864-040; 23667-819; 24385-606; 30142-825; 0113-0825; 0113-7199; 0113-7825; 50090-4356; 51672-2035; 53329-162; 53329-774; 55319-730; 0316-0231; 59726-989; 59779-773; 68016-073; 68071-2943; 68788-8107; 69842-988; 72071-101; 73736-115; 80584-081; 38779-0038; 42669-071; 49706-5971; 51552-0122; 55545-0400; 11523-0544; 11673-825; 23667-804; 36800-825; 41250-497; 58980-818; 59726-988; 62172-202; 0363-0730; 63736-023; 68071-2657; 69256-825; 69396-014; 69771-041; 81522-081; 43285-0288; 50923-1213; 52935-0009; 21130-825; 23667-817; 24385-590; 30142-982; 37808-825; 41163-825; 41250-825; 41520-222; 41520-916; 46063-552; 46122-577; 49035-199; 49348-872; 50090-5674; 0316-0232; 63736-010; 63736-025; 65197-103; 68071-3429; 68599-0207; 69740-329; 70403-924; 77338-041; 11014-0358; 0904-7734; 49706-5972; 86014-205; 11523-0919; 41250-982; 41520-825; 49035-345; 49035-730; 49035-731; 49348-645; 53329-080; 55301-211; 55319-081; 59208-001; 63347-502; 63347-810; 63736-013; 63736-015; 63868-198; 0472-1738; 69842-950; 71730-070; 25119-0824; 68754-201; 11509-0081; 12258-242; 21130-737; 30142-081; 0113-7070; 43689-0025; 49035-347; 52000-061; 53329-169; 55319-573; 63736-019; 68071-1703; 68788-7519; 70518-2338; 0536-1134; 70677-1000; 0536-1375; 11014-0058; 42669-072; 49706-5977; 68754-200; 68981-035; 11086-040; 11523-4327; 11673-199; 11822-0800; 21130-040; 37205-583; 37808-928; 41250-081; 49348-530; 51672-2070; 56062-081; 56104-256; 62654-147; 68016-291; 72288-825; 51927-1154; 11509-0825; 11673-049; 11822-7310; 0113-0214; 36800-199; 37808-242; 41250-199; 44577-205; 49348-833; 50066-070; 50090-5607; 53329-171; 55910-081; 59779-199; 59779-839
Synonyms Miconazole | R-14,889 | R 14,889 | R14,889 | Miconazole Nitrate | Nitrate, Miconazole | Miconasil Nitrate | Nitrate, Miconasil | Monistat | Brentan | Dactarin
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C18H15Cl4N3O4
CAS Registry Number 22832-87-7
SMILES C1=CC(=C(C=C1Cl)Cl)COC(CN2C=CN=C2)C3=C(C=C(C=C3)Cl)Cl.[N+](=O)(O)[O-]
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice.
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Abdominal pain07.01.05.002--
Muscle spasms15.05.03.004--
Skin irritation23.03.04.009---
Vaginal discharge21.08.02.002--
Vulvovaginal pruritus21.08.02.004;
Vulvovaginal burning sensation21.08.02.007---
Vulvovaginal pain21.08.02.009--
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