Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Magnesium hydroxide
Drug ID BADD_D01342
Description Magnesium hydroxide is an inorganic compound. It is naturally found as the mineral brucite. Magnesium hydroxide can be used as an antacid or a laxative in either an oral liquid suspension or chewable tablet form. Additionally, magnesium hydroxide has smoke suppressing and flame retardant properties and is thus used commercially as a fire retardant. It can also be used topically as a deodorant or for the relief of canker sores (aphthous ulcers).
Indications and Usage Magnesium hydroxide can be used as an antacid or a laxative depending on the administered dose. As an antacid, it is used for the temporary relief of heartburn, upset stomach, sour stomach or acid indigestion. As a laxative, it is used for the relief of occasional constipation by promoting bowel movements for 30 minutes and up to 6 hours.
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code A02AA04; G04BX01
DrugBank ID DB09104
KEGG ID D00731
MeSH ID D008276
PubChem ID 14791
TTD Drug ID Not Available
NDC Product Code 79481-0648; 12784-191; 12784-201; 12784-441; 11822-3329; 41167-0256; 46122-437; 49035-636; 55154-4061; 55319-738; 57237-314; 70677-1073; 0904-6757; 12784-181; 12784-196; 0113-7332; 37808-064; 37808-332; 49035-307; 50804-647; 62011-0124; 0363-1634; 69842-332; 70000-0064; 70677-0043; 70677-1072; 12784-192; 12784-435; 12784-448; 14335-300; 67417-222; 36800-684; 0121-0940; 41250-332; 41520-396; 50804-648; 50804-649; 60687-429; 0363-0649; 0363-1099; 0363-9129; 63941-647; 68016-850; 68788-8413; 70518-3481; 70677-0044; 12784-179; 12784-434; 12784-459; 67417-243; 0121-0431; 37808-901; 41250-949; 46122-435; 46122-436; 70000-0061; 72476-661; 80447-649; 12784-458; 41167-0265; 50594-015; 55910-396; 62011-0123; 0363-1648; 70518-3351; 70677-1074; 12784-188; 11822-0399; 30142-547; 37808-889; 41167-0291; 41167-0292; 49348-171; 49348-305; 63868-310; 63941-648; 69842-278; 70518-3406; 79481-0647; 12784-449; 12784-456; 67417-223; 67417-236; 36800-674; 41520-949; 49035-649; 55154-4160; 0363-0647; 63868-787; 0395-1672; 66689-053; 69842-912; 0904-0788; 12784-180; 41167-0259; 55910-649; 56062-727; 57896-647; 63868-788; 70000-0027; 70000-0065; 0536-1319; 0536-2470; 0904-6756; 12784-178; 50917-840; 55603-661; 21130-649; 30142-649; 41163-949; 41167-0260; 56062-649; 63941-649; 69339-153; 69842-318; 72476-665; 12784-177; 12784-197; 12784-198; 36800-649; 0132-0655; 41167-0257; 55319-548; 57896-648; 57896-649
Synonyms Magnesium Hydroxide | Hydroxide, Magnesium | Magnesium Hydrate | Hydrate, Magnesium | Magnesium Hydroxide (Mg(OH)4) | Brucite
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula H2MgO2
CAS Registry Number 1317-43-7
SMILES [OH-].[OH-].[Mg+2]
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice.
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Lacrimation increased06.08.02.0040.008806%
Nodal arrhythmia02.03.03.0200.022016%-
Nodal rhythm02.03.03.0210.008806%-
Pain in extremity15.03.04.0100.017613%
Premature baby18.04.02.0010.013210%-
Rectal haemorrhage07.12.03.001;
Bowel movement irregularity07.02.03.003---
Chronic kidney disease20.01.03.0170.013210%
Low birth weight baby18.04.02.0030.013210%-
Acute kidney injury20.01.03.0160.017613%
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